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Surrey Hills Sustainability Net Walk at Denbies

I recently attended a Netwalk event organised by  Surrey Hills Enterprises, Hannah Keartland and Chimney Fire Coffee at Denbies Vineyard It was inspiring to meet such a passionate group of individuals, and to hear how they are all integrating sustainable practices into their businesses. The spirit of sharing ideas and collaborating for a better future really stood out for me.

Dan Webber from Chimney Fire Coffee and and Hannah from Heartland & Co Shared their steps and questions for members to answer to take steps towards reducing their impact.

The four steps shared are:

  • Step 1 = Be clear on the difference you want to make
  • Step 2 = Fall in love with the problem
  • Step 3 = Understand the role you can play, including collaboration opportunities
  • Step 4 = Create a strategy / theory of change for how you will address that problem and have an impact – activity, outcome, impact in the real world
  • What’s the positive difference you’re trying to make as a business?
  • Are you clear on this?
  • What have you done to gain a deep understanding of the problem you’re working to address?
  • Who else is interested in this problem
  • Who you could collaborate with

The event started with an introduction by Dan and Hannah at the Chimney Fire Coffee HQ at Denbies, after which we headed up through the vines,  to the west flank of the estate with everyone discussing ways to reduce their impact and make a difference. We then paused to take in the breathtaking views towards Box Hill. This was a moment to reflect and ask questions. The walk continued in this way with intensive discussion and sometimes in silent reflection as we walked. 

The scenery was beautiful and inspiring and I enjoyed the process of capturing the discussions, actions and landscape as the walk unfolded to its conclusion where everyone wrote their intentions for delivering sustainable practices into their organisations and businesses. The atmosphere was joyful and energising.

I imagine that the process of feeling calm and centred in nature combined with silent refection will endure and manifest those ideas created on the day.


I’m excited to explore how I can continue to reduce the environmental impact of my photography business. From sourcing eco-friendly materials and reducing energy usage, to finding innovative ways to minimise travel and carbon footprint, there are so many avenues for positive change.

Full set of Photographs from the The Netwalk can be seen at:

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